Hello Zhang Lab Team,
I'm using SPRING to predict my PPIs, but I find that the outcome pdb file of SPRING only contains C-alpha.
Is that the result of SPRING by default? Is there any approach to get the structure with all the atoms of each residue?
Thanks for any information
Does SPRING outcome only contain C-alpha?
Moderator: robpearc
Re: Does SPRING outcome only contain C-alpha?
Yes, you can use FASPR (https://zhanglab.dcmb.med.umich.edu/FASPR/) to quickly generate the side-chain of each protein chain independently.
Re: Does SPRING outcome only contain C-alpha?
It seems that FASPR is not used to deal with C-alpha traces, as it is mentioned in FASPR page:
(1) there should be no missing N, CA, C and O atoms in the main chain
But I have found the script to reconstruct full atom model in the download page of SPRING.
The url: https://zhanglab.dcmb.med.umich.edu/spr ... struct.zip
Thanks for the help!
(1) there should be no missing N, CA, C and O atoms in the main chain
But I have found the script to reconstruct full atom model in the download page of SPRING.
The url: https://zhanglab.dcmb.med.umich.edu/spr ... struct.zip
Thanks for the help!