FURNA (Fu nctions of RNA s)
is a database of ligand-RNA interactions and Gene Ontology annotations for RNAs in the
Protein Data Bank (PDB) .
Each entry in FURNA contains a comprehensive list of annotations on:
Ligand-binding sites;
Gene Ontology (GO) terms and Enzyme Commission (EC) numbers;
Rfam families;
Motifs for protein binding from the ATtRACT database;
Secondary structure assignments from CSSR and DSSR ;
Cross reference to external databases, including RCSB PDB , PDBe , PDBj , PDBsum , NAKB , DNATCO , BGSU RNA , QuickGO , ChEMBL , DrugBank , ZINC , UniProt , PubMed , RNAcentral .
Search name
Search sequence (quick search by BLAST)
Search RNA sequence (sensitive search by Infernal)
Paste your sequence here:
[Sample rna input ]
Search RNA structure (by US-align)
Paste your structure here:
[Example file ]
Or upload PDB or mmCIF format file from your computer:
(do not upload compressed file).